the very earliest days of history there have been pirates, and it
is, therefore, not at all remarkable that in the early days of the
history of this continent, sea robbers should have made themselves
prominent; but the buccaneers of America differed in many ways from
those pirates with whom the history of the old world has made us
It was very seldom that an armed vessel set out from an European
port for the express purpose of robbery in American waters. At first,
nearly all noted buccaneers were traders. But the circumstances
which surrounded them in the new world made them pirates, whose
evil deeds have never been surpassed in any part of the globe.
These unusual
circumstances and amazing temptations do not furnish an
excuse for the exceptionally wicked careers of the early
American pirates; but we are bound to remember these causes
or we could not understand the records of the settlement
of the West Indies. The buccaneers were fierce and reckless
fellows who pursued their daring occupation because it was
profitable, because they had learned to like it, and because
it enabled them to wreak a certain amount of vengeance upon
the common enemy. But we must not assume that they inaugurated
the piratical conquests and warfare which existed so long
upon our eastern sea coasts.
Before the buccaneers began their careers, there had been
great masters of piracy who had opened their schools in
the Caribbean Sea; and in order that the condition of affairs
in this country during parts of the sixteenth and seventeenth
centuries may be clearly understood, we will consider some
of the very earliest noted pirates of the West Indies.
When we begin a judicial inquiry into the condition of our
fellow beings, we should try to be as courteous as we can,
but we must be just; consequently a man's fame and position
must not turn us aside, when we are acting as historical
Therefore, we shall be bold and speak the truth, and although
we shall take off our hats and bow very respectfully, we
must still assert that Christopher Columbus was the first
who practised piracy in American waters.
When he sailed with his three little ships to discover unknown
lands, he was an accredited explorer for the court of Spain,
and was bravely sailing forth with an honest purpose, and
with the same regard for law and justice as is possessed
by any explorer of the present day. But when he discovered
some unknown lands, rich in treasure and outside of all
legal restrictions, the views and ideas of the great discoverer
gradually changed. Being now beyond the boundaries of civilization,
he also placed himself beyond the boundaries of civilized
law; robbery, murder, and the destruction of property, by
the commanders of naval expeditions, who have no warrant
or commission for their conduct, is the same as piracy,
and when Columbus ceased to be a legalized explorer, and
when, against the expressed wishes, and even the prohibitions,
of the royal personages who had sent him out on this expedition,
he began to devastate the countries he had discovered, and
to enslave and exterminate their peaceable natives, then
he became a master in piracy, from whom the buccaneers afterward
learned many a valuable lesson.
It is not necessary for us to enter very deeply into the
consideration of the policy of Columbus toward the people
of the islands of the West Indies. His second voyage was
nothing more than an expedition for the sake of plunder.
He had discovered gold and other riches in the West Indies
and he had found that the people who inhabited the islands
were simple hearted, inoffensive creatures, who did not
know how to fight and who did not want to fight. Therefore,
it was so easy to sail his ships into the harbors of defenceless
islands, to subjugate the natives, and to take away the
products of their mines and soil, that he commenced a veritable
course of piracy.
The acquisition of gold and all sorts of plunder seemed
to be the sole object of this Spanish expedition; natives
were enslaved, and subjected to the greatest hardships,
so that they died in great numbers. At one time three hundred
of them were sent as slaves to Spain. A pack of bloodhounds,
which Columbus had brought with him for the purpose, was
used to hunt down the poor Indians when they endeavored
to escape from the hands of the oppressors, and in every
way the island of Haiti, the principal scene of the actions
of Columbus, was treated as if its inhabitants had committed
a dreadful crime by being in possession of the wealth which
the Spaniards desired for themselves.
Queen Isabella was greatly opposed to these cruel and unjust
proceedings. She sent back to their native land the slaves
which Columbus had shipped to Spain, and she gave positive
orders that no more of the inhabitants were to be enslaved,
and that they were all to be treated with moderation and
kindness. But the Atlantic is a wide ocean, and Columbus,
far away from his royal patron, paid little attention to
her wishes and commands; without going further into the
history of this period, we will simply mention the fact
that it was on account of his alleged atrocities that Columbus
was superseded in his command, and sent back in chains to
There was another noted personage of the sixteenth century
who played the part of pirate in the new world, and thereby
set a most shining example to the buccaneers of those regions.
This was no other than Sir Francis Drake, one of England's
greatest naval commanders.
It is probable that Drake, when he started out in life,
was a man of very law abiding and orderly disposition, for
he was appointed by Queen Elizabeth a naval chaplain, and,
it is said, though there is some doubt about this, that
he was subsequently vicar of a parish. But by nature he
was a sailor, and nothing else, and after having made several
voyages in which he showed himself a good fighter, as well
as a good commander, he undertook, in 1572, an expedition
against the Spanish settlements in the West Indies, for
which he had no legal warrant whatever.
Spain was not at war with England, and when Drake sailed
with four small ships into the port of the little town of
Nombre de Dios in the middle of the night, the inhabitants
of the town were as much astonished as the people of Perth
Amboy would be if four armed vessels were to steam into
Raritan Bay, and endeavor to take possession of the town.
The peaceful Spanish townspeople were not at war with any
civilized nation, and they could not understand why bands
of armed men should invade their streets, enter the market
place, fire their calivers (early form of rifle), or muskets,
into the air, and then sound a trumpet loud enough to wake
up everybody in the place. Just outside of the town the
invaders had left a portion of their men, and when these
heard the trumpet in the market place, they also fired their
guns; all this noise and hubbub so frightened the good people
of the town, that many of them jumped from their beds, and
without stopping to dress, fled away to the mountains. But
all the citizens were not such cowards, and fourteen or
fifteen of them armed themselves and went out to defend
their town from the unknown invaders.
Beginners in any trade or profession, whether it be the
playing of the piano, the painting of pictures, or the pursuit
of piracy, are often timid and distrustful of themselves;
so it happened on this occasion with Francis Drake and his
men, who were merely amateur pirates, and showed very plainly
that they did not yet understand their business.
When the fifteen Spanish citizens came into the market-place
and found there the little body of armed Englishmen, they
immediately fired upon them, not knowing or caring who they
were. This brave resistance seems to have frightened Drake
and his men almost as much as their trumpets and guns had
frightened the citizens, and the English immediately retreated
from the town. When they reached the place where they had
left the rest of their party, they found that these had
already run away, and taken to the boats. Consequently Drake
and his brave men were obliged to take off some of their
clothes and to wade out to the little ships. The Englishmen
secured no booty whatever, and killed only one Spaniard,
who was a man who had been looking out of a window to see
what was the matter.
Whether or not Drake's conscience had anything to do with
the bungling manner in which he made this first attempt
at piracy, we cannot say, but he soon gave his conscience
a holiday, and undertook some very successful robbing enterprises.
He received information from some natives, that a train
of mules was coming across the Isthmus of Panama loaded
with gold and silver bullion, and guarded only by their
drivers; for the merchants who owned all this treasure had
no idea that there was any one in that part of the world
who would commit a robbery upon them. But Drake and his
men soon proved that they could hold up a train of mules
as easily as some of the masked robbers in our western country
hold up a train of cars. All the gold was taken, but the
silver was too heavy for the amateur pirates to carry.
Two days after that, Drake and his men came to a place called
"The House of Crosses," where they killed five or six peaceable
merchants, but were greatly disappointed to find no gold,
although the house was full of rich merchandise of various
kinds. As his men had no means of carrying away heavy goods,
he burned up the house and all its contents and went to
his ships, and sailed away with the treasure he had already
Whatever this gallant ex chaplain now thought of himself,
he was considered by the Spaniards as an out and out pirate,
and in this opinion they were quite correct. During his
great voyage around the world, which he began in 1577, he
came down upon the Spanish-American settlements like a storm
from the sea. He attacked towns, carried off treasure, captured
merchant vessels, and in fact showed himself to be a thoroughbred
and accomplished pirate of the first class.
It was in consequence of the rich plunder with which his
ships were now loaded, that he made his voyage around the
world. He was afraid to go back the way he came, for fear
of capture, and so, having passed the Straits of Magellan,
and having failed to find a way out of the Pacific in the
neighborhood of California, he doubled the Cape of Good
Hope, and sailed along the western coast of Africa to European
This grand piratical expedition excited great indignation
in Spain, which country was still at peace with England,
and even in England there were influential people who counselled
the Queen that it would be wise and prudent to disavow Drake's
actions, and compel him to restore to Spain the booty he
had taken from his subjects. But Queen Elizabeth was not
the woman to do that sort of thing. She liked brave men
and brave deeds, and she was proud of Drake. Therefore,
instead of punishing him, she honored him, and went to take
dinner with him on board his ship, which lay at Deptford.
So Columbus does not stand alone as a grand master of piracy.
The famous Sir Francis Drake, who became vice admiral of
the fleet which defeated the Spanish Armada, was a worthy
companion of the great Genoese.
These notable instances have been mentioned because it would
be unjust to take up the history of those resolute traders
who sailed from England, France, and Holland, to the distant
waters of the western world for the purpose of legitimate
enterprise and commerce, and who afterwards became thorough
going pirates, without trying to make it clear that they
had shining examples for their notable careers.